Since I’m not a ninja from this point of view, any better solution is welcome.
You only need to edit your application’s front controller:
<?phpif($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']!=='username'||$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']!=='password'){header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Site Administration Area"');header('Status: 401 Unauthorized');/* Special Header for CGI mode */header('HTTP-Status: 401 Unauthorized');}else{require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php');$configuration=ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('backend','prod',false);sfContext::createInstance($configuration)->dispatch();}
The IF block is not something I’ve done by myself ( although it’s really easy ), I’ve taken it from an article on PHPnerds: since the code in the article has a huge flaw don’t use it.
which are concatenated by an AND and not an OR, leading through a possible unauthorized authentication knowing only the username or the password ( the negative operator ! supports the trick, damn ).
A better solution is to use a more direct approach: