ABS 1.6.0: the convenience of index ranges and default return values

Here we are with a new release of ABS, the elegant programming language for all of your scripting needs!

Even though small, 1.6 (with 1.6.0 and 1.6.1) introduces a couple interesting features, so let’s check them out!

Index ranges

You can now access ranges within strings and arrays by using the popular [start:end] syntax: [1,2,3,4][0:2] will return [1,2].

Start and end can be ommitted — you could simplify the expression above with [1,2,3,4][:2].

Default return values

You can now simply use a return; at the end of a function, and it will return the default value null:

fn = f() {


Deprecation of $(…)

If you’ve followed ABS since its initial release, chances are you first used system commands through the $(command) syntax: we’ve now deprecated it and make sure the documentation reflects the fact that `command` is the standard, preferred way to run commands.

Now what?

Install ABS with a simple one-liner:

bash <(curl https://www.abs-lang.org/installer.sh)

…and start scripting like it’s 2019!

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