- 2007 first contact with PHP, nght thinking to develop an innovative concept… CMSes!
- Philosophy
- Ternaria, quit university
- Joomla extensions
- Greenplanet, 3rd party work for other agencies
- first conference, phpday 2009
- big questions about my future
- Qredd, an intensive school
- interest agile development and TDD
- summer bug fixing in rome
- ternaria starts to limit me
- moved to Rome to join DNSEE
- 2010, Magento, consolidating symfony and TFD and TDD
- 2010 clients: ABI, San Raffaele, Samsung
- 2011 team lead and mentor for DNSEE
- 2011 Alessandro lombardi what he thaught me
- 2011 starts with conferences (phpbenelux, symfony live, codemotion)
- 2011 REST
- 2011 Drums
- Congow CMF
- 2011 Jazoon Rookie Award
- OrientDB
- DNSEE IT at phpday in Italy
- 2011 clients: ENI, italian government
- 2011 Trust in BDD
- Osidays and India
- PHPCon Poland for OrientDB
- 2011 HTTP
- 2012
- 2012 Last dance together – io e davidino a codemotion
- 2012 Leaving for Rocket Internet
- 2012 Bringing enterprise patterns and practices in enterprise software